Three things have occurred to make this happen:
1. We've made some friends which REALLY helps to make us feel settled. And this meant that new year was spent at a dinner party, as opposed to sitting on the sofa, with Dr G willing me not to fall asleep at 10pm. We were out till 2am. I can't remember the last time that happened (she said, ancient so-called party animal now sounding about 105 years old).
2. We keep bumping into kids in the village who smile and wave at Madam. This means I get a smile and a wave from the mum too. Sounds like a small thing, but that does help to make me feel welcome.
3. I bumped into Madam's nursery teacher at the gym last week and had a lovely chat about kid-free days.
That one was a bit odd as I'm not used to people I call 'miss' talking to me while semi-naked. What is the protocol for that kind of meeting? I looked firmly into her eyes and tried to hide my lady parts without looking uncomfortable. A bit daft really, as she's female and has two kids so very likely has seen lady parts before.
Anyway, all in all, Holmes Chapel is starting to feel more like home. Which is good, as the state of the economy and the size of our mortgage means it's going to be home for quite a few years to come. As everyone always says about getting settled, it's knowing people that makes a place.
I do hate sounding cliched, but they are cliches for a reason, aren't they?