Friday 5 December 2008

Heroes - I'm switching to Fringe

Being an old SF fan who published SF books back in the day, I love a good SF drama.

'Heroes' really got me, I loved it, and still want the super power of copying anything you see, now THAT'S power worth having.
But having faithfully watched every single episode to date, I'm getting confused. And if I'm getting confused, what chance does the casual watcher have? Sorry Heroes, but you're taking it too far and in too many different directions for me to keep loyal. I'm giving up and switching to 'Fringe'.
'Fringe' is great. Very simple, a genuine mad scientist (Walter Bishop) who solves wierd FBI cases with fringe science, a very serious female FBI agent (Olivia) who never smiles, and Pacey from Dawsons Creek, son of said mad scientist.
Like Buffy or the X-Files, you can dip in and out, they solve a crime per episode, Olivia frowns alot and Pacey moans about babysitting his dad.
I'd talk about 'Survivors' but frankly it's giving me the willys. Like '28 Weeks Later' I think it's set around my patch. And I only managed half an hour of that, and then only saw very few zombies, but I still think about it.
'Survivors' is having the same effect. While I know logically that it won't happen, but my imagination isn't convinced.
Yours off to hide behind the sofa,

1 comment:

drude said...

I have a theory about Heroes and it goes thus:

The first season was successful but they didn't know it would 'catch-on' so I suspect they maybe had a plot for maybe 2 seasons.

When it became clear that it 'had legs' (a'la LOST) they had to switch the end game to a few seasons in the future; to do that they need to create more questions, loose threads and flash backs/forwards clips so that they have the 'bulk' to bring it back to a simple plot in season 3 or 4.

The problem with this strategy is that they 'lose' viewers as LOST did by disappearing up it's own anal region.

I still have to watch though.