Thursday 11 December 2008

Sweet or savoury?

As my post about turning down page corners raised alot of comment, I'm wondering whether this one will do the same. If you had a choice of two parties, one entirely serving sweet food, the other entirely savoury, which way would you turn?

Having just demolished a pack of Tesco's dim sum for my lunch, I'm pretty clearly a savoury person. Favourite must-have foods include humous and ham. Tuna is always available in my house. If you want to charm me or persuade me to do something, take me out for a good Thai meal.

I won't turn down a box of chocolates as I live with two people with sweet thooths (or is that sweet teeth? I never know). But whether I would actually eat any of them is debateable.

I always head for the crisp section at the newsagents. And being pregnant, I have terrible (wierd) cravings for prawn cocktail and taramasalata. Luckily not in the same meal.

While I know I'm not alone, I'm wondering whether we'd get to party together or whether I would wave you off to the sweets section!


drude said...

Savoury! i'm putty when faced with a platter of mini sausage rolls and a selection of creamy mushroom vol-ea-vons (sic) and a good asparagus quiche will seal the deal. One good reason for snubbing the sweet option is that alcohol goes better with savoury unless you have a creme brulee and a nice muscat.

drude said...

Just had to post this back at ya! Next blog i read after this one - how spooky!