More importantly, the fault on the phone line was fixed very quickly due to the application of chocolate digestives and a cup of tea.
Railing against the fates as I was, an old friend of mine who knows about such things told me that the solution was to get someone to care. And if an engineer was required, to give them tea and biscuits and butter them up. As he has managed rather a lot of them in his time, I thought I'd give it a go. Because hey, I'd tried everything else apart from throwing things at them, so I had nothing else left to try.
So a bit of buttering up later, and voila! Here we are, zipping along the internet superhighway. And I can make phone calls too. How marvellous. Now I just have to get the home phone line sorted out and we can finally send out change of address cards about 4 months after we moved.
But please don't tell anyone the secret of tea and biscuits, nor that broadband is finally working. I'd hate for them to suddenly take it all away again and they can you know, they can.
Off to Manchester to do some Pre-Raphaelite art this afternoon with my sister and Madam.