Monday 6 October 2008

Speaking like a girl pirate

Sir and The Boy came to stay this weekend.

They bought all kinds of inappropriate birthday presents for Missy, including yet another gun thingy that fires disk as the previous one from Sir mysteriously disappeared in the move. Unfortunately I mentioned this to him and we now have another one. Funny how easily these things get lost, isn't it?

The best present def. came from her Uncle - a pirate's outfit complete with foam sword, eye patch and plastic musket. Now if I didn't know better, I'd say that Sir and The Boy really want a grandson/nephew. These toys are definitely from the boy side of the shop. It's that or being male, they don't actually 'see' the girly stuff, but pass onto whatever it is they would like to play with themselves.

Luckily Missy loved it, and has spent the weekend having mock sword fights with her Uncle, watching 'Dangermouse' and going out on her new bike. (Which is the pinkest, girliest bike I've ever seen, it not only comes with it's own doll called Molly, it also has a fluffy pink saddle. I would like to record officially that I wanted a sensible bike that but was overruled by her father and Missy (both) pouting when I showed them the one I had in mind.)

That aside, I heard them both in her bedroom discussing where the treasure was buried and it made me laugh:

'Where's the gold then?'

'I don't know, I'm a girl pirate, where do you think it is?'

Apparently girl pirates can have massive sword fights, wear eye patches and fire (fake) muskets, but they don't want to get their hands dirty by burying treasure. No comment.

Yours hoisting the Jolly Roger and teaching her daughter to dig holes,


PS: I should like it stated that I'm not, and have never been, your heartie.

1 comment:

Dong said...

Sir says
Well your'e me'artie now and no mistake!
Plenty of treasure hunting to do in Cornwall when you get down - Ill see if a ship might be available for capture.
After herds of My Little Ponies and sundry other pink & fluffy things a good musket is a relief!