Thursday 13 November 2008

Page corner or bookmark?

I've always planned to fiddle while Rome burns (or credits get crunched, whichever is sooner). So today's burning question is: do you use bookmarks or turn over a page corner?

I ask because I'm am incapable of retaining a bookmark for longer than about 20 seconds. Case in point: the other night Gav found two in the bedside cabinets and handed them to me. Despite the fact I was reading and put one into the back of the book I was holding, by the time I went to put it down, the bookmark had disappeared. I suspect there is an alternative universe where the entire economy is fuelled by old bookmarks, odd socks and crumpled post-it notes.

I prefer to do that myself - not with libary books or borrowed books, I hasten to add - as you can't lose a page corner. And having worked in book publishing, I know how expendable books are so turning over the corner to mark your place is no big deal.
I know that turning the page corner can invoke rage in some people. It splits the reading nation. Don't even mention writing in books to people like this, you'll get locked in the cupboard under the stairs or made to do lines 'I will never ever write in another book again' - 1000 times by HAND.

But between us, and I won't tell anyone, which do you prefer?



EC said...

So I know you will hate me for this - but I can remember the page I'm reading and require neither a bookmark or a page turn. Quite impressive since currently i'm reading two books in two different parts of the country.
I also (oh my god i hear you cry) have no problems with breaking a spine on a book or dropping it in the bath.
Am I a bad person? I think no - I get an enormous amount of pleasure from reading a book and when they are borrowed so long as all the pages are still in when returned why does it matter?!

Daft On Kids said...

That's a toughie... I don't mind folded corners and as for snapping spines, I find that quite satisfying. But, c'mon guys, bath dipping results in wadges of paper masquerading as a book. Not a moral issue, just pisses me off.

Since I like to read until I actually fall asleep I've discovered that it's useful to use no marker, and then I look through until I get to the last bit I actually remember reading. Can be a problem when I'm re-reading something though :)

The Millbrooker said...

Bookmarks, bookmarks - every time. If only because it might help to keep thatb*stardyourfather in bottles of decent Burgundy during his dotage; assuming he sells enough of the little losable things.

As for spine breaking - you're all heathens!