Wednesday 13 May 2009

The converse of 'In the Loop'

As breastfeeding means I sit down alot, I've been reading alot. I read somewhere that everything influences your milk (probably rubbish but hey, who knows?) so I've been reading macho books every so often, like 'The Requiem Shark' about Black Bart the pirate (brilliant if you haven't read it), and 'For Whom the Bell Tolls' by Hemingway.

I've never really gotten along with Hemingway, too misogynist for my tastes, so it's slow going, but on page 47 I found the antidote to Malcolm Tucker.

Originally printed in 1941, they obviously thought swear words far too racy so here's a snippet:

'...we blow up an obscene bridge and then have to obscenely well obscenity ourselves off these mountains...Go to the unprintable... and unprint thyself!'

How fab. This sorts out swearing in front of children!

So I'll unprint off, and obscenely post again soon,


1 comment:

Gail said...

Hi Beautiful Mother of Two !!! Congratulations to you all on the birth of Charlie, he truly is gorgeous, as for Gracie, she's almost the same size as you !! I'm loving reading your postings, I wish Andy had told me about it ages ago. Sorry this is short and sweet but homeworks got to be done for tomorrow !! It's great seeing you're all so happy, hope to come and visit you all soon, lots of lovies, Gail xxx