Thursday, 21 May 2009

A woman's work....

Getting up twice a night to feed a small squally son tends to make my creative juices run rather dry, hence the lack of posting. It's the normal early baby chaos: there are piles of washing in various states everywhere, cat litter all over the landing and sheets that SERIOUSLY need changing. I won't go on, you get the less-than-fragrant picture.

I've long held the opinion that it's nearly impossible to look after everyone, have a clean house, clean clothes and a general state of domestic calm AND work creatively at the same time. There's something about the repetitive tedium of domestic tasks that dampens the creative spark. Or at least it always has done in me. Which means I haven't written anything fiction related for several months.

What is interesting is a very old, dear friend of mine (my mentor in book publishing, waaay back in the day) has similar issues but the key thing is - she's ALSO working. And writing and being published at that.

So I'm right, you can't to do it all. The answer is a) staff - what I wouldn't give for a general housekeeper-cum-nanny or b) let it all fall as it may and get the creative stuff done. Unfortunately, I hate mess so feel compelled to tidy up even if it means shoving stuff randomly in cupboards which drives Dr G mad.

Not sure what to add to that, except, thank god for my cleaners.

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