Wednesday 20 August 2008

The girl from Ipanema

'The girl from Ipanema' is one of my all-time favourite songs. And I love it in pretty much all it's forms, and there are many. Obviously the best one is the original, can't beat Astrid's voice here.

A while ago I can up with the concept of the one-note album - one classic song simply repeated in all it's many forms, classic or otherwise. The darling Dr G made me a version with 'Summertime' on it, which kinda worked. Boy there are some odd/rotten versions out there.

I'm listening to the tribute album to 'The Pink Panther' theme right now. And on it is a very good (well no-one else I know likes it, but I do) version of Ipanema.

Sir has asked for some pictures, but as my digital camera has yet to emerge from the box mountain, here's one I made earlier.

the girl from the Isle of Eriska

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