Wednesday 27 August 2008

Trains, hotels, carparks

I had one of my recurring anxiety dreams last night. A train station somewhere in the Highlands. Reached by a train taken straight from a beach. I'd lost everything on the previous journey, or had my handbag nicked. No-one leant me 20p for a cup of tea, or helped me. Burdened with luggage as usual, I was sat panicking on the platform, waiting for a train I had no ticket for, wondering whether I could board it or not. Then I woke up.

I hate these dreams. I have had them for years, the first train dream was as I left university, set in a train/tube terminus somewhere near a gravel pit. That one was easy to work out. This one, I'm not so sure.

I also wander the corridors of hotels sometimes (quite like those ones, I've never been in 'The Shining' or not yet). The worst take place in carparks, where I'm being chased through a dirty, dank concrete vision of hell by scarey people who I can't see. I'm not necessarily a Freudian in this regard, but I do believe that the subconcious is reacting to something - maybe the first sign of upset due to the move?

Either way, I woke up in a bad mood. If anyone can throw some light on this one, feel free to comment.
Yours in search on a cup of tea and 20p

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