Friday 19 September 2008

Breakfast with Jack Sparrow

This week I've watched three excellent films that pretty much cover all bases. The first I just realised fits perfectly with this week's 'Talk like a pirate' day.

Last night and this morning I watched the third 'Pirates of the Caribbean' film, which I thoroughly enjoyed. Now granted I watched it in several parts: the middle bit last night and the start and end this morning. I thought I'd missed the first ten mins, turns out I'd missed the first hour. But that's the beauty of Sky Plus, if you want you can skip it, pause it and make a cup of tea, etc etc. You don't need me to advertise murdoch's baubles.

Anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed watching it in several parts. If you like sea battles, pirates and sword fights (all pretty high up on my list of enjoyable things), and don't want to have to think (I don't this morning) then it's great fun. It helps that we have a telly the size of Cornwall to watch it on.

Second one deserving on a mention is a German film called 'Run Lola Run'. Very simple premise, good execution. A bit self concious at the start but get through the first 20 mins and it all starts to make sense. We've had an excellent run of great German films (ref. Downfall) and this fits well within them. I really do not know why people don't like subtitles. Can't you read and watch something at the same time for gawd's sake?

And thirdly I watched over several days 'Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil'. I've mustve seen this four or five times now. It's a lovely gripping story, set in a place I really want to visit sometime. I appreciate that the Deep South has had a troubled and conflicted history, but their attitude and way of life sings to my soul.

Also the film has Kevin Spacey, John Cusack and Jude Law in it, all acting their little socks off. And as John Cusack is (or used to be) the sign of a good film whatever it was, it's worth watching. It's like being bathed gently in Mint Julep. What's not to like?

Yours off to yoga again,


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