Saturday 20 September 2008

We woz hacked

Funny thing, the internet. When we started working on it all those years ago, it was meant to be a utopia of sorts, a benign meritocracy where everything was beautiful and nothing bad happened. Hah. Then humanity got hold of it...

A couple of saturday's ago, we had four 'blue screens of death' on this old laptop. Which either means your PC is on it's death bed OR some 15 year old little virginal scrote with nothing else to do and no friends is attempting to take something from you in the virtual world.

Turned out our problem was the latter. And in the course of it, I lost all my emails for the last four years, including everyone's email addresses from that time too (please email me if you're reading this, I need to put you back into my now empty address book).

And the tech wizard who installed our network sorted it: they'd only gone and HIJACKED the network, and gotten between the laptop and the net so whatever got sent, they got a copy too.

I gotta ask this question: how dull do you have to be to want to steal my email? I'm sure they'll have found out plenty of fascinating facts like it was my 41st birthday recently, when I planned to talk to my friend in Canada on the phone, what I bought from Tescos that week and so on. Nothing of any use to anyone else, in other words. I'm not stupid enough to keep passwords and anyway now I've changed pretty much all the ones I use regularly.

Whoever you are, can I suggest you get a life? Oh and go forth and multiply while you're at it.

Your still annoyed blogger


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